sexta-feira, 3 de janeiro de 2014


No dia 12 de dezembro passado, através da iniciativa  Beyond GDP (The Beyond GDP initiative is about developing indicators that are as clear and appealing as GDP, but more inclusive of environmental and social aspects of progress) ficámos a saber da publicação da figura acima sobre a qual informavam o seguinte:

«Eurostat's latest evaluation of progress towards sustainable development since 2000 shows rather mixed picture
In its 2013 monitoring report of the EU Sustainable Development Strategy Eurostat suggests that the EU has gradually 'decoupled' economic growth and its use of resources between the years 2000 and 2011. The monitor uses twelve headline indicators to measure trends across a range of themes including socioeconomic development, sustainable consumption and production, public health, social inclusion and climate change and energy, among others. This evaluation of progress towards sustainable developed since 2000 is drawing a rather mixed picture».

E desde já,  um video que faz uma boa sintese.

O Relatório Integral: aqui, de que se apresenta de seguida o prefácio do responsável do Eurostat:

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